NearSat Drone Operations

With the help of NearSat Engineers, our team is currently conducting simulated missions. Our goal is to get the best understanding of how the NearSat Eagle Hawk will function at altitudes up to 60,000ft.

[su_quote cite=”Chief Remote Pilot Mark Xavier”]Over 3 years the joint team have worked tirelessly. As a result we have seen advances in a number of areas.

We are more focused than ever, since news that the QLD Government Cloncurry Drone testing facility will come online this year.

So we expect the 60,0000ft altitude challenge should become a near term and routine reality.[/su_quote]

Our team has completed dozens of missions. These were achieved using a scale proto-type NS Eagle Hawk in RAAF Airspace.

We will soon be testing a full scale Hawk 18,000ft and beyond!

Find out more about this at the Australian Aviation Website!