V-TOL Conducts GosHawk II Endurance Flight
Working with Hitachi on an MLA beef project, V-TOL Aerospace conducted an endurance flight in central QLD of a standard V-TOL GosHawk II Fixed Wing RPAS. The aim was to establish how far a V-TOL manufactured small RPA could fly. Operating at the edge of Day VLOS in light conditions at 400ft AGL, the GosHawk…
V-TOL Conducts Advanced BVLOS ADS-B Equipped Flight Operations
Working with uAvIonix, V-TOL Aerospace has successfully conducted ADS-B BVLOS flight operations in YAMB RAAF Airspace using a Ping20s. A V-TOL GosHawk II Fixed Wing RPAS was used and is seen as registration GOH009. Operating independently of V-TOL NEURON, both data feeds from the Ping & NEURON produced identical flight tracks in real-time. “We hope…