World Bank Group Selects V-TOL Aerospace for UAV4Resilience

After an extensive global selection process, the World Bank Group ( has awarded Australian company, Queensland based, V-TOL Aerospace to deliver its UAV4Resilience Climate Change, Risk Management & Disaster Recovery UAV technology evaluation program. Designed to test how Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) technology can assist in the resilience of A-PAC Coastal & Island Nations, the program is expected to run for up to 12 months with V-TOL UAS Flight Crews & Geospatial specialists conducting advanced operations in the region. V-TOL will use multiple V-TOL manufactured UAS types (Fixed Wing, Multi-Rotor & Hybrids) fitted with various technologies including types never tested in this application before. “We are honoured to have been selected to deliver such an important initiative with global implications”, says Managing Director Mark Xavier. He continued, “V-TOL will use this opportunity to demonstrate V-TOL’s technical & Australia’s importance in delivering significant economic benefits to its region and the global community”.