V-TOL Tests Seeker WeatherSat™ to 8,000ft AMSL

Operating in RAAF Amberley controlled airspace under NOTAM, a V-TOL Seeker WeatherSat™ Multi-Rotor (MR) RPAS platform has been successfully flight tested to 8,000ft AMSL. The WeatherSat™ is a reusable scientific instrument designed to capture real-time weather modelling information that will be used for enabling NearSat HALE operations. CEO of V-TOL, Mark Xavier says, “The WeatherSat™ sensor designed by NearSat will provide V-TOL & NearSat critical weather information required to conduct safe & efficient high altitude RPAS operations. V-TOL & NearSat look forward to further testing the WeatherSat™ capability in our efforts to reach near-space with a NearSat fixed wing platform.